Indian Labour Law for Termination of Employment- Must know for Every Employee

Employment is an essential part of life. People often work hard to get jobs and then even harder to retain them. However, there are cases when people get terminated from their position. Termination is a normal process but it is very important that employers maintain Indian labour law for termination of employment. Usually, the government has some laws and rules that every employer needs to follow when he decides to terminate an employee. Otherwise, the decision of the employer may be challenged by the terminated employee in court.

Labour Lawyers in Kolkata

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Here are a few questions that every terminated employee asks after he faces termination from his job. The answers here may help them to get some legal remedies, especially if the termination is not lawful: 

What are the rights of a terminated employee in India?

  • Most experienced labour lawyers talk about a few rights that a terminated employee must get.
  • Right to receive a notice for termination of employment
  • Right to clarify his/her stand on the termination
  • Right to prosecute the decision of illegal termination from a job
  • Right to get paid with a compensation payment right at the time of executing the termination order
  • Right to initiate an inquiry challenging the termination of employment

Can an employee be terminated without notice?

An employee can be terminated from the job without any notice on the grounds of misconduct. To remove an employee on that ground, the employers must have clear and substantial evidence or witness. The employers need to complete the whole process under the discipline rules within the country. 

Can an employer terminate an employee without any reason?

The labour lawyers in Kolkata, an employer cannot terminate an employee without any reason. Any such termination can be challenged in a court of law.

What is the minimum notice period for termination of employment?

According to the expert labour lawyers in Kolkata, the minimum notice period for termination of employment is 30 days. It means that the employer must complete the process of terminating the employer by serving him or her the notice at least 30 days before the final date of termination.  

If you have faced any kind of termination from your job, then you have the right to get a legal remedy. You should do well to speak to the most learned and skilled labor lawyers that are available with the most reputed law firms. These law firms have lawyers who can help you to get an amicable remedy for your case.

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