Know the Ways to Settle Property Disputes in India

Property Lawyer in Kolkata

Legal disputes are of many types and they require adequate remedy. Usually, these disputes are very critical and they can cause serious implications to the people involved in the case. These disputes become even more critical if they are raised by the members of the same family. Family property disputes are often critical as they lead to serious consequences. If you are facing any such disputes, then you must know How to settle with property lawyer in Kolkata.

Also Read : Mistakes You Should Avoid for a Property Lawyer

Property Dispute Cases In India:

If you check and cross-check the cases related to property in India, then you may that the number of these cases has increased rather significantly in recent years. The following are some of the most common disputes that people often face or encounter:
  • Issues related to buying and selling of real estate properties
  • Possession of property where other married relationships are involved
  • Share of girl child in the property
  • Disputed properties due to unclear possession on the same property
  • Partition of family stuff among the siblings
  • Issues between the landlord and tenant

Reasons for taking Legal Advice on Property Dispute

Every property dispute is taken care of by the law firm. The standing rules are effective to define everything about the property that has been under question. Since the scenarios vary from one property to another, the court takes the right to stand on the disputed property and decides the ownership only after checking and cross-checking all the available proof and evidence. Being a contender of the disputed property, you must have a clear knowledge of the laws that are applicable to the same. Here, the participation of a specialist lawyer becomes mandatory as he has the specialization in handling such cases well!

How to Settle Property Disputes in India? 

In case the dispute exists among the family member, then you can solve it using any of the two ways that are listed below:
  • By Mutual Agreement
  • By interference of the court of law!

Mutual Settlements

This is the way to solve property disputes that exist among the family members. You can always prefer to discuss the case openly in the family and reach an amicable solution. The members of the family must understand that there is no point in making the case complicated! Such a mindset and understanding can help in settling these cases.

Litigation in Court

Just opposite to the one above, this process of solving a case of property dispute can be extremely time-consuming. It is expensive too as the court does not decide the case in one hearing! As a party in the dispute, you would be required to spend money to hire a lawyer in Kolkata. It wastes time as well. 

So, you see that solving a case for property disputes can be very critical and you can put an end to this by following the right steps by knowing How to Settle Property Disputes in India.

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