Some Basic Reasons for the Dishonor of Cheques

Cheque Bounce Lawyer

Cheques are the authentic banking tools that the banks issue to eligible customers. It is good to know and note that all customers with an account in the bank can get a chequebook. The banks consider a few things before providing them with a chequebook.

What meant by Dishonor of a Cheque?

Well, it is a good question that every cheque user must know! Usually, the customers issue cheques to make payments to the service providers from whom they buy a product or service. They are required to hand over the cheques only after completing all the formalities and signing is property. Remember, the banks do not make the payment if any mistake is seen! The cheques bounce or get rejected if the account is not unable to meet some other technicalities, especially a lack of adequate funds in the account. A cheque bounce lawyers is essential to get rid of such kind of problems.

Some Prominent reasons that often result in Cheque Dishonor:

Here are some basic reasons for the dishonoring of payment cheques that every cheque account owner must try to avoid at any cost: 
  • No payee details
  • Suspicion of a Forged Cheque
  • Missing Seal
  • Missing signature
  • Incorrect Signature
  • Inadequate funds in the account
  • Mismatch of the account
  • Overwriting anywhere in the cheque , especially in the date, signature, and amount required in the cheque.
  • Wrong date
  • Contradicting amount in figures and words
  • Post-dated Cheques
  • Overdraft limit
  • Payment stopped on the cheque
  • Closed account
  • Any kind of technical defect
  • Payment limited

Most of these reasons are very common and that is why every user must be very careful about taking care of these things so that you can maintain a clear record on the cheques. As the issuing authority of the cheque, you reserve the responsibility to ensure that it gets paid at the right time when it is presented in the bank for payment.  

The banks are very sure about taking care of everything before they accept the cheque and make the payment. The bank authorities never overlook any of the reasons for dishonoring the cheque until it is perfect for payment. As the owner of the bank account, you must be aware of the legalities that you may face if the cheque dishonored or bounced.

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