A Brief Account of the Criminal Justice System in India

Criminal Lawyer in Kolkata

Rules and regulations are the backbones of any organization, including a country. These things are mandatory to maintain complete law and order so that everyone can enjoy their rights and can carry out their responsibilities. Every country has a dedicated system that the government agencies take care of to enforce law and order in the country. The system, called the criminal justice system, works well to maintain peace and harmony and treat criminal activities. The clear objective of the criminal justice system is to make sure that all the legitimate citizens of the country who suffer an injury or loss due to others’ faults are legally permitted to present their case in the law of court and get legal remedies.

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Main objectives of a Criminal Justice System

The following are various objectives of the criminal justice system:
  • To penalize the offenders.
  • Avert the supplementary incidence of criminal activities in society.
  • To order the conduct and behavior of people, in particular, the criminals.
  • To make available relief to the victims of the criminal activities
  • To provide treatment to the wrongdoers and give them rehabilitation.
  • To generate dissuasion in the minds of people to stay away and not indulge in any criminal activity.

Types of Criminal Justice Systems

There are two major types of criminal justice systems. These are as follows:
  • Adversarial system
  • Inquisitorial system

Adversarial system

This system is popular in common law countries that were formerly colonies of a specific country. According to this system, there is the provision of a prosecution advocate and a defense advocate who present their parties before the court. The judge listens to them, checks the proof and evidence, listens to the witnesses, and then delivers the award. The cases are decided on the basis of evidence law and technical laws. India, since it was a colony of the UK, follows this kind of criminal justice system. 

Inquisitorial system 

This system is popular and followed in civil law countries. In this type of Criminal Justice System, the judge himself takes the responsibility to look into the matter and then decide the case on the basis of his findings. The lawyers from each side are present in the hearing, but there is no cross-examination of witnesses as it happens in the Adversarial system. The judgment and its accuracy largely, or may be solely, depend on the farsightedness and skills of the judge. 
The role and responsibilities of a top criminal lawyer in Kolkata become very significant here. The lawyer is mostly responsible for completing the whole process. These lawyers are very expert and experienced in handling criminal cases.

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