How Does Hiring a Cheque Bounce Lawyer Help in Preventing Filing of a Criminal Case?

Cheque Bounce Lawyers

The cheque has been recognized to be one of the easiest ways of transferring money from one person to another. It is also used at the time of making any purchase. But, there are times when the cheque gets bounced. 

In such a situation, the bearer may file a legal case against you or impose a heavy cheque bounce penalty. Instead of panicking, it is recommended to hire a professional cheque bounce lawyer. 

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What Results in the Bouncing of Cheque?

Before issuing a cheque, people take several precautions including verification of the details. Still, the cheque bounces causing several inconveniences. Some of the most remarkable reasons that result in the bouncing of a cheque include the following:

  • Missing signature or mismatching of the signature
  • Not having sufficient balance in the bank account.
  • Discrepancies regarding the amount mentioned in terms of figures or spelling
  • Supplying the wrong account number
  • Spelling mistake of the drawee or payee
  • Overwriting of any details on the cheque
  • Repeated modifications are done on the cheque leaf
Last but not the least, the presence of any tampering or modification on the cheque without the consent of the drawee may also result in the bouncing. 

What is Cheque Bouncing Law all about?

According to the cheque-bouncing law, bouncing the cheque has been regarded as a criminal offense.  Section 138 Cheque Bounce Act is all about dealing with dishonored cheques. 

It states that if a cheque gets bounced, then the drawer of the dishonored cheque needs to pay twice the amount as compensation. Failing to do so may result in imprisonment for at least two years. 
If you have become prey to any such awkward situations, then better start searching for some experienced and trustworthy banking lawyers near me. 

Why Hire a Cheque Bounce Lawyer?

Hiring one of the highly qualified and experienced cheque bounce lawyers will help in providing you with high protection from all sorts of legal troubles. Also, the professional will help in recovering the amount with interest through necessary legal measures. 

Also, a cheque bounce lawyer will assist you by issuing a notice to the drawer before any step is taken. Cheque-bouncing issues must not be taken lightly at any cost.

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