A Brief Discussion on Various Types of Divorce Cases

Marriage is one of the oldest social customs that every religion in the world accepts and follows. Though the process or customs of marriage varies from one religion to another, the significance remains the same. Usually, it is a practice that creates a relationship between two people of opposite genders and their families. Obviously, it is a relationship of love and faith. It originates in families and gives birth to the future generation.

Divorce Lawyer in Kolkata

What is Divorce?

Legally, divorce is a process that ends a wedding relationship and allows the alleys to live separately. It is a complicated procedure that gets completed under the observations of the court. Due to this, the spouses in Kolkata prefer hiring the divorce lawyer in Kolkata. A specialist lawyer is aware of all the proceedings and that helps him to complete them all and get the separation for his clients. It can be said that it is an unfortunate procedure that people decide to undergo when they find no better way to live. Usually, the differences between spouses lead to divorce. 

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Types of Divorce Cases: 

In the opinion of the Divorce Lawyer in Kolkata or anywhere else in India, Divorce cases are of many types and they are applicable to diverse situations. They are not applicable to every divorce case that is filed by wedded couples. It must be said that these cases become somewhat complicated if the couple has a child between them as deciding child custody is a complicated matter. Here are the prominent types of divorce cases:

  • Fault or no-fault Divorce
  • Contested Divorce
  • Mutual or Uncontested Divorce
  • Collaborative Divorce
  • Default Divorce
  • Same-Sex Divorce
As the names indicate or tell, these divorce cases are very common among the people not only in Kolkata but also in other parts of India. Here, the role of specialist divorce lawyers becomes very significant as they do everything to settle down the cases in favor of their clients.

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