Know about the Prominent Types of Criminal Laws
The illegal or unlawful activities give birth to many unlawful acts. These acts are serious and the law allows the victims of a criminal offense to ask for legal remedies. Here, everyone needs to find and hire the best criminal lawyer in Kolkata who has a decent knowledge of all the related criminal law types . It must be mentioned that criminal activities may vary depending on their occurrence. Also Read : Importance of Various Types of Labour Laws In the opinion of the most knowledgeable criminal lawyers in Kolkata and elsewhere in India, the criminal laws are chiefly of two types. The following are the two: A felony is a serious criminal offense. Countries with similar or common laws have the same stand on that criminal offense. These are serious offenses and the law treats them severely as well. These criminal offenses are punishable by the death penalty or life imprisonment. However, the courts decide the duration of the imprisonment depending on the severity of the cri...